Friday, January 11, 2013

Review: The Logo Board Game

What color is the base of a Duracell rechargeable battery?  What brand had the slogan "The real thing"?  What adjective do Totino's describe their pizzas with that indicates a great time with friends?  If you enjoy trivia games and feel like you've watched enough commercials in your lifetime, then the Logo Board Game may be right up your alley.

The game board is a spiral made of four different colored spaces: purple, green, yellow, and red.  Each turn, one player - dubbed the Quizmaster - will draw a card of questions (one purple, one green, one yellow, and one red always in that order).  They ask the person on their left the purple question.  If they get the answer wrong, they ask the next person the same question.  Otherwise, the questioned player moves their piece to the next purple spot on the board and the Quizmaster asks the same person the green question.  Once all players have gotten a question wrong or all four questions on the card have been answered correctly, the Quizmaster passes the box of cards to the next player on the left and they become the new Quizmaster.

This is a very simple game to get into and quite a bit of fun even if you're terrible at it - like me.  However, the way the board is laid out and movement happens, it's possible to catch up to other players with only a few right answers in most cases.  The downside is that, as with most trivia games, once you've seen all the cards, the game won't be as replayable.  The questions are also kind of all over the place - some questions only my parents would know what company/brands they're talking about, other questions are much more modern.  But all in all it's a pretty fun game.  Just make sure you either have a timer or have friends who won't take hours thinking about a single question's answer.

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