Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Movies I Grew Up On: Night of the Living Dead

I always thought I watched this when I was like 5 or 6, but clearly that couldn't have happened since it came out in 1990, but I completely blame Night of the Living Dead for my aversion to watching anything zombie related.  I did watch this when I was little and ever since then, zombies have become one of those things that if I let my mind stick on it, I'll start getting jumpy, and if it's at night...well...that's going to be a miserable night.  I'm fairly certain it was the 1990 version and not the original 1968 version, but I haven't gone back and watched either of them to confirm this.  I honestly don't even remember much from the actual movie.  There were zombies, there was a farm, people were boarding up a house, there was yelling, there was glass breaking, etc.

Because of this movie and the effect it had on me, I now flat out refuse to watch zombie movies (every once in awhile I get convinced to break this rule and almost always suffer for it), read zombie books (I do really want to read World War Z, but I can't imagine that going well for me), or play zombie focused games (broke this rule to play Dead Island, but could only play it in short bursts when there was daylight outside).  Sometimes people will try to convince me to watch zombie things to get me over my fear, but I'm not really sure I see the point.  Everyone is afraid of something.  If the worst thing I'm afraid of are zombies, then I'm pretty well off, since I'm highly unlikely to ever see them, and if I do I almost guarantee I'll be one of the first to die or else I'll be the guy that helps someone else hide their zombie wound and gets us all killed.

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