Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Extra Credits

I was recently introduce to a web series called Extra Credits.  For the most part, this is a show that breaks down video games and game design with the intent of bettering gaming as a whole.  I almost immediately got hooked because that's the point of this blog (even though I may not be as articulate as they are or have as many funny pictures).  One big difference is they want to improve games as an art form, whereas I just want to make games more fun, so I identify things that are not fun in games and things that are fun whereas they delve a little more into topics I really don't care too much about.

There is nothing stopping games from being art and being fun (they had a whole episode on that topic), but from my experience, most games I've played that are "artsy games" are generally no fun whatsoever.  I have no problem with having games make me find out stuff about myself even though I haven't really delved into why I love collecting, stealing, helping, etc.  But I do have a problem with something call itself a game when there are zero game elements.  Just because something is interactive, does not make it a game.  Anyway, that's a different rant to go on and not my intention.

If you have any interest in breaking down games with silly pictures and an emphasis on the depth of games versus just the fun factor, then go check them out.


  1. "...most games I've played that are "artsy games" are generally no fun whatsoever."

    I think it's kind of like literary fiction. Like it's defined by whether or not most people get it.

    Which is a sad definition, if you ask me.

    I love beautiful games and games that tell a thought-provoking story (I worked on one of those last ones, in fact). But a game, by definition, should be fun first.

    1. Absolutely they should be fun first. But there are plenty of games I've played that have gotten me emotional or made me think about myself, ethics, morals, politics, etc. and still achieved that. But I guess that doesn't mean because I don't enjoy them those artsy "games" shouldn't exist. They should just be classified as interactive fiction or some other terminology that indicates it's not a game.
