Friday, July 13, 2012

Review: The Adventurers Pyramid of Horus

This game was not exactly what I expected when I bought it, in some ways it's even better.  Players take on the role of adventurers exploring an ancient pyramid that is crumbling apart as they explore.  The goal of the game is to get as much treasure as you can without getting sealed inside.

Each turn, one player (the Dice Keeper) rolls all five colored dice that determines how many actions all players get that round based on the number of item and wound cards a player has.  Players then take turns performing their actions (either moving or searching their current spot).  The Dice Keeper then rolls to see how far the three mummies in the pyramid move and then pick a random stone block to place in the temple.  The person to the left of the Dice Keeper becomes the next turn's Dice Keeper.  Play continues until everyone has either escaped the pyramid or have been sealed in.  The player who escaped with the highest treasure point total wins.

This is a very short game (the first game took an hour, the rest around 45 minutes) with that perfect feeling of "We can fit in another game, I want to win this time!"  With all the die rolling, random blocks being picked, characters with different abilities, decks to search through, and a variable number of actions per turn, this game has a perfect blend of randomness and strategy.  It also has a wonderful high risk, high reward feeling in every single action you take in the game, which adds to that feeling that maybe the next game you'll get luckier and won't get bitten by that snake or cursed by a mummy.  It also comes with figurines for the characters as is typical for Fantasy Flight Games, which is both awesome and a cause for a higher cost of the game.  This game is a perfect addition for those game nights when you have too many players for Dominion, but still want a quicker game.

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